Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Well, all I have to say is, "I MADE IT". I am so glad this week is finally over. Yesterday wasn't too bad for me, but the poor north nurse I was working with was so busy. I was taking alot of her calls and made a visit to a patient for her. I was lucky and only had 2 calls that day and night and I think she had 8 or 9 plus the 5 people she had to see. Now I am just going to relax today and no I am not going shopping today.

Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I really want to reflect on what I am so thankful for. First of all I am so thankful to have such a wonderful and caring husband. He is my whole world and I love him so deeply. I am thankful for my family and Nick's family. They have been there for us during very hard times. I am thankful for our wonderful friends. Our friends from work has really gotten us through all the crap that has gone on this year. It would have been very hard to go through what we have been through without them. I think for the first time in our marriage we have couples that are truly our friends. It's not that I am closer to the wife or he is closer to the husband. I really feel we are equally friends and so supportive of eachother. I am especially thankful that it was this time last year when I really starting to get sick and contemplating leaving nursing. At this time I was so sick to my stomach and ached so bad and no one knew what was wrong with me. Come to find out it was stress. I praise God I don't have those symptoms any more and I am healthy. I don't know what we would have done if I had gotten worse and couldn't work. I continually praise God for what he did for me and will never forget it.

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