Friday, November 16, 2007

The calm before the storm

I am not looking forward to next week at all. I hope this weekend drags so I can enjoy this relaxation before I have to go back to work. Well, one would think that Thanksgiving is next week, what is so bad about that. Thanksgiving won't be so relaxing because I am scheduled to work that day. Luckily I have Friday off so I will have a 3 day weekend to relax. What will not be fun is monday through wednesday. See, we will have 2 nurses off next week. Which means there will be at least 24 patients that will need to be seen my me, another nurse and our manager. Oh did I mention that we are to see our own patients on top of that. That means I will have to see 20 patients instead of 14. And to see that many patients when you have 5 days is not bad, but when you have only 3 that makes things very complicated. I am venting right now. I am sure the week will go just fine and I will look back and think that wasn't so bad. But just the thought makes me nervous. On top of having to see at least 20 patients next week, I on-call monday and wednesday night and then work all day Thanksgiving until Friday morning. I just keep thinking that the money will be well worth it. I will keep people posted if I survived the work week. I am planning to start the day a couple hours earlier than I normally do and work late. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.