Monday, March 24, 2008


I have been a hospice nurse for about a total of 2.5 years. I love doing hospice work and I know most give me, "I don't know how you do it". Well I don't know how a nurse can work in labor and delivery so hah. Anyways, my company is wanting all nurses to be nationally certified as hospice and palliative nurses. It means we know alot about hospice and being certified helps the company show that many of their employees know what they are doing. It consists of taking a long and hard test. I am in the first group to take the test. I have been studying for the past couple months and took the test today and passed it with flying colors. It was a very hard test and brought back many memories of nursing school. There was always 2 right answers it just was which one was the most correct. So now I can sign CCarr, RN, BSN, CHPN. I don't think I will ever sign like that, but at least I can now. Just studying for the test showed I had many more things to learn and glad I took the test. They say the pass rate is very low so I feel very accomplished to have passed. Just another load off my shoulder. My company paid for me to take the test so there was alot of pressure to pass. Hopefully my cohorts will do equally as well.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

First Attempt

I had this monday off and I met with my friend Amy and her little boy Eli. I have wanted to try posed pictures with a newborn and thought that day would be great. It was so fun to take pictures. It was hard but I learned more about lighting and posing. Eli was a trooper but he towards the end he did get real tired of it.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lare the Bear

Today I was just itching to get out and take some pictures. Nick ofcoarse gets too bored when I comes with me, so I took Rusty. He did such a good job. I let him off his leash and he would explore but stay close while I take pictures. I have loaded a group of them that I took at Lare the Bear Open Space and areas along the road on the way back. It was so nice to get out and just relax. Taking pictures is so relaxing for me and I absolutely love it.

Work update

Well here is the latest update on my job dilemma. After pitching a fit for long enough we kindof got our way. When upper management heard we were leaving our positions there were some uphappy people and then for them to find out it was due to scheduling reasons we were able to negotiate and compromise some. So, now the sw and I are working rotating weeks were one week we work mon-fri and the next is tue-sat. So, every other weekend I get 3 days off in a row (sat, sun, mon). Not bad. We did agree to work 9-6. Our manager really wanted us to work 10-7 but we were not budging on that. We have things in the evenings we want to do like me hang out with my husband before he goes to work. So, right now this is where we stand. She wanted to move us to hourly not salary which is not good at all. We were afraid if there were no admissions on Saturday and no visits to be done, then we don't get paid. So, we negotiated that we take 6 months and look at the "data" based on our time sheets and see if we were worked over 40 or less than 40 on average. She was good with that. Both the sw and I really didn't want to go back to the field. They wanted to start giving me new admissions to transition into the new position and my heart sank. I knew moving was not right for me. I am glad we waited things out and were able to negotiate some things. I love working in admissions, it is a different pace and different type of nursing that I love.