Thursday, November 29, 2007


Well starting wednesday morning around 100am I suddenly had the worst onset of nausea I have ever had. I wanted to get some crackers and water but was afraid I wouldn't make it down stairs. I woke Nick up and he graciously went down stairs to get crackers and water. Then the nausea seemed to subside but then I developed really bad muscle aches throughout my entire body. I could feel it starting in my back and worked it's way over my entire body. It hurt to move my toes and brush my hair. I had to wake Nick up again and to get me some ibuprofen. It took about 30 minutes for the Ibuprofen to kick in and I was able to go back to sleep. When I woke up around 0730 that's when the real fun began. I started vomitting and had diarrhea, with the muscle aches. Needless to say I spent the day on the couch eating little and drinking only small sips of water. I was able to eat a little chicken and rice soup. The worst part of all this was the pain. I had a consistent fever of 100.5-101 and the ibuprofen was not bringing down the fever. I had to worst aches I have ever had. My joints were killing me. I had a hard time repositioning myself. I would take 800mg of Ibuprofen and it would only work for 4 hours and I had to wait another 4 hours before I could take another dose. I finally took some muscle relaxers, but that didn't work very long either. Poor Nick was massaging my legs and back because that is where majority of the pain was. I slept off and on during the day. I just felt so drained.

I slept for about 11 hours last night and the pain is decreasing. I still hurt in my joints, but not nearly as bad as yesterday. Still running a fever and the nausea hasn't gone away. So this is day 2 of staying home from work and I hope I can go to work tomorrow. I will continue to baby myself and hopefully can eat more than just 10 crackers and 32 oz of water. Nick was wonderful and brought me some Chai tea from Starbucks and Tylenol when he came home from work this morning. There are some nasty virus's going through the nursing homes and I was one of the lucky people to contract it. I am praying Nick doesn't catch this. He is washing his hands alot and we of coarse are not sharing anything. I hope this will be over soon.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Well, all I have to say is, "I MADE IT". I am so glad this week is finally over. Yesterday wasn't too bad for me, but the poor north nurse I was working with was so busy. I was taking alot of her calls and made a visit to a patient for her. I was lucky and only had 2 calls that day and night and I think she had 8 or 9 plus the 5 people she had to see. Now I am just going to relax today and no I am not going shopping today.

Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I really want to reflect on what I am so thankful for. First of all I am so thankful to have such a wonderful and caring husband. He is my whole world and I love him so deeply. I am thankful for my family and Nick's family. They have been there for us during very hard times. I am thankful for our wonderful friends. Our friends from work has really gotten us through all the crap that has gone on this year. It would have been very hard to go through what we have been through without them. I think for the first time in our marriage we have couples that are truly our friends. It's not that I am closer to the wife or he is closer to the husband. I really feel we are equally friends and so supportive of eachother. I am especially thankful that it was this time last year when I really starting to get sick and contemplating leaving nursing. At this time I was so sick to my stomach and ached so bad and no one knew what was wrong with me. Come to find out it was stress. I praise God I don't have those symptoms any more and I am healthy. I don't know what we would have done if I had gotten worse and couldn't work. I continually praise God for what he did for me and will never forget it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Emotional roller coaster

Well, I would have to say this week hasn't been the funnest week of my life. Work ended up not being as bad as I had expected. I am exhausted and in need of a break. There were a couple of my patients not seen, but that was ok because they are pretty stable right now. I still have alot of charting to do and other things to catch up on. This will be an excellent check for overtime. Now I just have to look forward to working tomorrow and then being off for 3 days. Boy i can't wait.

The emotional roller coaster for me started on monday. Hearing about Nick's mother in the ER and not being there to help was hard on Nick and I. We really want to be there for them during these times and to be far from them makes it hard. I am glad my mother was able to help out with Granny and everything is working itself out. I thank God they were able to find out what was wrong with her and fix it without any complications.

Then, there is Nick. He loves his job as a cop and I support him fully in his career. I know there are huge risks with being a cop and the job can be very dangerous, but you don't really think about it until you have to face it. There was an officer involved shooting at his work where the officer was shot. When we heard the news my heart sank. We didn't know who it was, how hurt they were or if they were dead. I thank God the officer was only shot in the leg and didn't need to be hospitalized, but this incident put things in perspective for me. Especially about how this could have been him. This is one of my biggest fears that this will happen to him. But it comes with the job unfortunately. I have and will always support Nick in his career. He loves his job and we have such good friends. I couldn't ask for anything more. I am always praying that God will protect him. We always have fights settled before he goes to work. Even if it is settling it on the phone on his way to work. I make sure I kiss him every time he leaves. I don't know why I do these things. I guess I never want to have to live with regrets. Nick has picked the perfect career for his personality and goals in life. He is such a great officer and many people at his department thinks so.

Sorry for the babbling. I am tired and ready for bed and it is only 7pm. This week has been alot for me between work and my personal life. What can I do but just face it.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The calm before the storm

I am not looking forward to next week at all. I hope this weekend drags so I can enjoy this relaxation before I have to go back to work. Well, one would think that Thanksgiving is next week, what is so bad about that. Thanksgiving won't be so relaxing because I am scheduled to work that day. Luckily I have Friday off so I will have a 3 day weekend to relax. What will not be fun is monday through wednesday. See, we will have 2 nurses off next week. Which means there will be at least 24 patients that will need to be seen my me, another nurse and our manager. Oh did I mention that we are to see our own patients on top of that. That means I will have to see 20 patients instead of 14. And to see that many patients when you have 5 days is not bad, but when you have only 3 that makes things very complicated. I am venting right now. I am sure the week will go just fine and I will look back and think that wasn't so bad. But just the thought makes me nervous. On top of having to see at least 20 patients next week, I on-call monday and wednesday night and then work all day Thanksgiving until Friday morning. I just keep thinking that the money will be well worth it. I will keep people posted if I survived the work week. I am planning to start the day a couple hours earlier than I normally do and work late. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween, Bee Movie and Utah

This last week has been very good. Things at work are great and at home things are great. Things are starting to settle a little so Nick and I can relax at home. Last Sunday we went to an awesome Halloween Party. Our friends Bos and Tiff hold an incredible party every year. Everyone had to dress up in costumes and just have fun. We were dressed up as a socket and plug. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of our costumes. I am hoping some of our friends have pictures. We didn't get home until 1am and I had to be at work at 0800. Needless to say, I was very tired.

Yesterday me and a couple friends from work went to see the "Bee Movie" and then out to dinner. It was so funny and cute. Jerry Seinfeld did an excellent job. There were many very funny parts. It is such a cute movie to see with kids or if you are wanting to see a light hearted movie. I don't need to see it again in the theaters but certainly I will rent for Nick to see. Tonight we are going with our friends Jason and Amy to dinner and another movie. We are going to see Rendition or American Gangster. I can't remember.

And this Thursday night I am going home for the weekend. I am going out to see my friends baby and family. I know I just saw my parents a month ago, but it is always good to go home. Can't wait for Thursday night.